Precast concrete production
Precast concrete production
Precast concrete production
Precast concrete production
| Precast concrete production Asia NewsReferencesPress Center News

Gamuda IBS revolutionizes Malaysia's construction industry

Modern precast architecture is rapidly changing the faces of Asia's megacities. Gamuda IBS is currently setting a highlight in system construction in Malaysia. With the Industrialized Building System (IBS), up to 50-story residential buildings will be possible in the future - in only two thirds of the time to date. The Malaysian construction specialist in Banting is currently expanding its capacities for this purpose.

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| Precast concrete production Asia Press CenterReferencesNews News

Uzbek DSK Binokor develops earthquake-proof construction system for more living space

Contemporary architecture defines the cityscape of Tashkent today. Construction boom and the demand for new housing continue unabated. However, Uzbekistan is located within a zone of high seismic activity and thus, earthquake safety is key here. DSK Binokor has recently developed a novel construction system and with it, innovative architecture for buildings becomes feasible.

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| Precast concrete production Asia NewsPress CenterReferences News

Chinese Baoye Group continues to invest in precast concrete production

The Chinese Baoye Group has built yet another precast concrete plant in Quzhou, 800 km southwest of Shanghai. Baoye will produce double walls and floor slabs of up to 700,000 square meters per year for mega-residential projects. At the heart is the latest plant technology from Vollert, a concrete plant specialist, while the focus is put on China’s hot topics, resource efficiency and environmental protection and prefab architecture as a sustainable building system.

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| Precast concrete production Asia NewsPress CenterReferences News

Shanghai Baoye relies on state-of-the-art precast construction technology

Precast construction technology has a long tradition of nearly 60 years in China. The boom was brought to a sudden stop in the 1990s, however, by a lack of state subsidies and components of inferior quality. This has changed today, with state-of-the-art precast architecture, the importance of environmental and resource protection, as well as new industrialised manufacturing methods. Chinese builders such as Shanghai Baoye group invest in state-of-the-art machinery and plant technology.

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| Precast concrete productionProduction d'éléments préfabriqués en bétonProducción de prefabricados de hormigónProdução de concreto pré-moldadoПроизводство готовых железобетонных изделий混凝土预制件生产 Asial'AsieAsiaÁsiaА́зия亚细亚 Ссы́лкAtualidadesНовости消息Press CenterCentre de presseCentro de prensaCentro de imprensaПресс-центр新闻中心ReferencesRéférencesReferenciasReferênciasNovedades案例NouveautésNews News

New Caledonia focuses on precast construction

With average temperatures of between 20 and 30 °C as well as fantastic beaches and diving areas, New Caledonia - the French archipelago in the South Pacific, situated 2,000 km east of the Australian coast - is one of the most popular holiday destinations worldwide. The 250,000 inhabitants live predominantly from tourism and the mining industry. The focus is placed on precast construction for the development of new buildings for residential areas and public institutions as well as new tourism projects. Architecturally appealing houses and multi-storey residential buildings are to be built as well as hospitals, schools, complete hotel complexes and industrial workshops. The precast plant of the New Caledonian LBDP Group, completed in April 2014, will in future produce floor slabs and double and sandwich walls as well as beams and columns for hall buildings.

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