Precast concrete production
Precast concrete production
Precast concrete production
Precast concrete production
| Precast concrete production Europe NewsPress CenterReferences News

Economically producing aesthetic L-bricks

Stones, walls, and paving systems with high aesthetic value make landscaping distinctive for use in house and garden or in modern urban and commercial construction alike. Many building material manufacturers are already offering a high-quality and diverse range of concrete blocks. Formwork systems afford an interesting alternative for the production of L-bricks.

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| Precast concrete production Europe NewsPress CenterReferences News

Soriba manufactures concrete stairs - optimized in terms of time, cost and CO2

Instead of stationary stair formwork, the French building materials manufacturer Soriba is relying for the first time on a rationalized and automated staircase production in a circulation-based manufacturing process. Movable side rails makes this possible despite the high diversity of stair variants. A new type of rotating-turning operation also brings considerable savings in steel and concrete consumption. The entire manufacturing process is thus optimized in terms of time, costs and CO2.

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| Precast concrete production Europe NewsPress CenterReferences News

Planchers Fabre expands beam production

Planchers Fabre, a subsidiary of the Rector Lesage Group, produces a wide range of beam and wall elements for the construction industry. In Pibrac in the southwest of France near Toulouse, the company has now expanded its industrial prefabrication for higher plant production capacities due to increasing demand.

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| Precast concrete production Europe NewsPress CenterReferences News

Automatic, fully hydraulic, efficient: Hungarian Limelog Group expands stationary production of precast concrete parts

Since 2009, the Hungarian Limelog Group has specialised in the transport of high-quality building materials, grain and oversized machines and precast concrete parts inside and outside of Hungary. Since 2011, the company has also been extremely successful in producing reinforced concrete columns and beams. With KOMBISTEP stair formwork and high-performance tilting tables from Vollert's special portfolio, the company is now expanding its stationary precast concrete production.

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| Precast concrete production Europe Press CenterReferencesNews News

Industrial pre-production of TERIVA floor beams and slabs in Poland

The Polish building materials manufacturer Uciechowski will in future be producing floor beams and slabs on an industrial scale using the TERIVA building system. Whereas manufacturing was previously purely stationary, it is now based on the latest technology of the concrete plant specialist Vollert. 50 shuttering pallets are transported in the circulation system, known up to now only in modern precast concrete plants.

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| Precast concrete production South America NewsPress CenterReferences News

Brazilian MARNA Pré-fabricados modernises stair production

The Brazilian MARNA Pré-fabricados Group has continuously concentrated on precast element architecture since 2008. The stair production has now been extensively modernized with a VARIOSTEP stair mould 170-17 from Vollert's special product range.

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| Precast concrete productionProduction d'éléments préfabriqués en bétonProducción de prefabricados de hormigónProdução de concreto pré-moldadoПроизводство готовых железобетонных изделий混凝土预制件生产 ÁsiaAsial'AsieAsiaА́зия亚细亚 新闻中心ReferencesRéférencesReferenciasReferênciasСсы́лк案例Пресс-центрCentro de imprensaNewsNouveautésNovedadesAtualidadesНовости消息Press CenterCentre de presseCentro de prensa News

Earthquake-proof construction systems on a precast basis significantly change the face of Uzbekistan

The face of Tashkent as the capital of Uzbekistan is subject to constant change. The city with more than 2 million inhabitants has been the political, cultural as well as the economic center of the former Soviet state since the 1990s. New residential buildings are constructed as quickly as modern shopping malls, hospitals and universities – those projects are subject to precast architecture, also due to their high earthquake resistance.

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