Special crane systems
Special crane systems
Special crane systems
Special crane systems
| Precast concrete production South America NewsPress CenterReferences News

New housing concept for Brazil's middle class

It is certainly one of the most ambitious construction projects in Brazil in recent times. Ecoparque Bairros Integrados is a vision that focuses on sustainable urban development and aims to create affordable, livable housing for millions of Brazilians without neglecting ecological and social aspects. The first residential project of this kind is now being built in Cascavel in the west of the state of Paraná. The first residents are due to move in 2025.

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| Shunting systems South America NewsPress CenterReferences News

Soya handling: TES handles 3,900 tons 24/7

The Santos export terminal recently started using a PRO DER240 shunting robot to move freight trains weighing up to 3,900 tons. The new addition complements the existing robot fleet on site: A total of seven shunting systems from Vollert now accelerate the low-dust 24/7 unloading of soya, bran and maize in the modernized ship terminals of the two operators TES and ADM.

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| Intralogistics systems South America NewsPress CenterReferences News

Paint shop for agricultural machinery from JACTO

The heavy-duty specialist Vollert from Weinsberg, Germany, is supporting the agricultural machinery manufacturer JACTO in Brazil with the construction of a new combined powder and wet paint coating system. Large parts up to 10 m long, 2.5 m high and weighing 4 tons are coated, including for large coffee and sugar cane harvesters as well as planting and fertilizing machines. To speed up the time-consuming dip coating process, product carriers can be combined for smaller workpieces and separated again for larger workpieces.

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| Shunting systems South America NewsPress CenterReferences News

State-of-the-art shunting technology speeds up soybean and corn handling at ADM do Brasil

The agricultural group Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) relies on two cable-powered shunting robots STANDARD KR 70 and two diesel-electric shunting robots PRO DER 240 from the German shunting specialist Vollert for handling soy and corn at its modernized shipping terminal in Santos, Brazil. In perfect interplay, the shunting machines handle the shunting of freight trains weighing up to 3,900 t in 24-hour operation.

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| Intralogistics systems South America NewsPress CenterReferences News

Weld, paint and fit wagons and trailers in one line

The Brazilian manufacturer Randon has built a 500m long combined welding, painting and assembly line for trailers and railway wagons in the state of São Paolo. Vollert has developed a heavy-duty material flow concept consisting of 13 combined rope conveyor drives, two moving distribution transfer platforms and the control system for the individually timed forward feed.

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| Precast concrete production South America NewsPress CenterReferences News

Brazilian MARNA Pré-fabricados modernises stair production

The Brazilian MARNA Pré-fabricados Group has continuously concentrated on precast element architecture since 2008. The stair production has now been extensively modernized with a VARIOSTEP stair mould 170-17 from Vollert's special product range.

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| Precast concrete productionProduction d'éléments préfabriqués en bétonProducción de prefabricados de hormigónProdução de concreto pré-moldadoПроизводство готовых железобетонных изделий混凝土预制件生产 South Americal'Amérique du SudSudaméricaAmérica do SulЮ́жная Аме́рика南美洲 Press CenterCentre de presseCentro de prensaCentro de imprensaПресс-центр新闻中心ReferencesRéférencesReferenciasReferênciasСсы́лк案例消息НовостиNewsNouveautésNovedadesAtualidades News

BauMax is developing a precast construction system for residential buildings in Chile

A newly developed precast construction system has now conquered Chile. In addition to seismic stability, it offers shorter construction times and higher building quality. Serial production of the new house type has started.

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| Precast concrete productionProduction d'éléments préfabriqués en bétonProducción de prefabricados de hormigónProdução de concreto pré-moldadoПроизводство готовых железобетонных изделий混凝土预制件生产 South Americal'Amérique du SudSudaméricaAmérica do SulЮ́жная Аме́рика南美洲 Press CenterCentre de presseCentro de prensaCentro de imprensaПресс-центр新闻中心ReferencesRéférencesReferenciasReferênciasСсы́лк案例消息НовостиNewsNouveautésNovedadesAtualidades News

Precast concrete elements for Brazil’s construction industry

In future M3SP will produce up to 400,000 m² of solid concrete elements annually for the Brazilian market. One of the most modern precast plants in South America has been built for this in Cotia near São Paulo.

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| Concrete sleepersTraverses en bétonTraviesas de hormigónDormentes de concretoбетонная шпала混凝土轨枕 South Americal'Amérique du SudSudaméricaAmérica do SulЮ́жная Аме́рика南美洲 NewsNouveautésNovedadesAtualidadesНовости消息Press CenterCentre de presseCentro de prensaCentro de imprensaПресс-центр新闻中心ReferencesRéférencesReferenciasReferênciasСсы́лк案例 News

Prestressed concrete sleepers for the American continent

High-speed routes exceeding 200 km/h and higher axle loads place an enormous amount of stress on the permanent ways of railway lines. Prestressed concrete sleepers for track systems are therefore increasingly replacing the steel or timber sleepers in rail networks. They are more durable, require less maintenance and are also environmentally friendlier since no creosote is required for impregnation. In order to cover the rising demands of the industry and the public authorities, building material manufacturers and building contractors are increasingly investing in modern production plants. The GIC Group is also doing so at its headquarters in Monterrey, Mexico.

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