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Generous Donation of the Employees of Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH to the Clinical Center of Weissenhof in Weinsberg

The employees of the machine and plant manufacturer Vollert situated in Weinsberg made to the clinical center of Weissenhof a generous donation of 1,150 euros in favor of the renovation of the water playground of the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy.

The donations were already collected during the Christmas party 2019. The staff had deliberately chosen a local social enterprise with a focus on children and young people. Due to the current Covid situation, the cheque handover unfortunately had to wait. The clinic management was all the more pleased about the surprising money blessing. In summer, the clinical center of Weissenhof installed a fountain respectively a larger water playground in the garden of the school children's station of the Clinic for child and youth psychiatry and psychotherapy. The existing playground was already very old and could no longer be used. Therefore, there were already considerations of a renewal and with the help of the donation the project could now be implemented.

When the cheque was handed over, Dr. Tina Schlüter (chief physician of the outposts) was therefore very pleased that this financial contribution will help to provide the children with a newly designed outdoor play area. "We are very much looking forward to next summer, when the children will once again be able to use the water playground to its fullest extent," said Tina Schlüter. The child and adolescent psychiatry offers therapeutic treatment and diagnostics for patients up to the age of eighteen and their families. Common diagnoses are emotional and social behavioral disorders, crises, trauma-related disorders, attention deficit syndromes, substance disorders and adolescent psychoses.