Finnish manufacturer Valtra relies on a clever intralogistics solution for coating tractors. It not only allows chassis weighing up to eight tons to be coated overhead, but also to be buffered in a closed circuit and guided around corners. Two chain pushers in combination with friction wheel drives are used for this purpose. The lean solution guarantees continuous production in automotive eight-minute cycles.
The heavy-duty specialist Vollert from Weinsberg, Germany, is supporting the agricultural machinery manufacturer JACTO in Brazil with the construction of a new combined powder and wet paint coating system. Large parts up to 10 m long, 2.5 m high and weighing 4 tons are coated, including for large coffee and sugar cane harvesters as well as planting and fertilizing machines. To speed up the time-consuming dip coating process, product carriers can be combined for smaller workpieces and separated again for larger workpieces.
Vollert developed a particularly space-efficient paint shop on two levels for machine and plant constructor KraussMaffei. The workpieces are moving on a crane track at a height of twelve metres. The walk-on painting and working area for the workers is located six metres high on the first floor, and the space underneath can be fully used – protected by a rock-solid fall protection for large parts with weights of up to 30 tons.
At the Liebherr plant in Ehingen, Vollert planned and built a new ballast painting plant with friction wheel and rope conveyor technology for the coating of crane ballast elements. These are used as counterweights for mobile lattice boom and telescopic cranes with lifting heights of up to 245 m. Depending on the product carrier, elements weighing up to 20 tons can be coated in an overhead, suspended manner. A total of 25 product carriers are in circulation.
Vollert brings paint shop from Arburg to a high gloss
In a comprehensive retrofit project, the intralogistics specialists from Vollert modernized the complete conveyor technology of an existing large parts painting plant for the injection moulding machine manufacturer Arburg. While retaining the existing crane runway and painting technology, the processes were accelerated, the painting processes improved and automated and extended parts of the plant technology were added.
Truck trailers are useful, but also big and heavy. This does not make their transport in the paint shop easy. Giga Coating GmbH recently built a completely new surface treatment plant in Twist. Here, up to 15.7 m long and 9 t heavy large parts are not only coated, but also blasted, dipped, swiveled and heat treated in hanging furnaces. The automated circulation principle creates capacities for up to 100 trailers and special parts per day in two construction stages.
For its new factory, Benninghoven, specialists in the construction of asphalt mixing plants up to 50 m in height and a member of the Wirtgen Group, is investing in a new double-track suspension system from Vollert for the overhead surface treatment of large parts. The special drive concept allows the overhead and flexible transport of up to 22 ton heavy parts, while at the same time enabling the energy-efficient separation of transport and furnace steel structures. Besides Benninghoven, in the company group Wirtgen and Kleemann are already using the proven Vollert technology.
Weld, paint and fit wagons and trailers in one line
The Brazilian manufacturer Randon has built a 500m long combined welding, painting and assembly line for trailers and railway wagons in the state of São Paolo. Vollert has developed a heavy-duty material flow concept consisting of 13 combined rope conveyor drives, two moving distribution transfer platforms and the control system for the individually timed forward feed.
Large-part painting systems designed around the corner
For LEWA as a special pump manufacturer and HAMM as a manufacturer of rollers for road construction and earthworks, Vollert developed and installed new floor-guided and overhead material flow systems for surface coating of parts weighing up to 12 tons. While high cycle times are crucial at HAMM, at LEWA for the first-time workpieces weighing tons travel 90° around the corner and thus enable an extremely compact system layout.
Low-loader manufacturer Faymonville dispatches components weighing up to 12 tons through its overhead painting plant in Luxembourg. The material flow concept also comes from a heavy load expert – from Vollert based in Weinsberg. The control system supports automatic operation as well as the manual transportation of parts. Friction wheels facilitate the space-saving plant layout.
In the new Siemens AG Austria coating center, metros and passenger carriages are automatically transported via a central transport system to the individual coating treatment booths. The transfer table allows for flexible arrangement of individual processing stations and offers the highest level of safety for crossing passenger traffic.
Vollert manufactures transfer cars for coating 13,000 carriages annually
The Tikhvin Railway Car Building Plant (TVSZ) is currently building a state-of-the-art plant for assembling open- and closed-top freight carriages in the Russian town of Tikhvin. To this end, Vollert Anlagenbau from Weinsberg was commissioned to manufacture four transfer cars with payloads of between 70 and 100 tons. A heated enclosure installed on top of the cars provides optimal protection against the elements.
Friction wheels transport large gearboxes for painting
The SEW-EURODRIVE drive automation system by Bruchsal relies on a simple, flexible material flow system by Vollert Anlagenbau for coating large gearbox units weighing up to 3.5 tons. It combines the advantages of Power&Free systems and requires significantly fewer system components. Nevertheless, comparably high cycle times are possible.
Liebherr breaks new ground with a new large-scale paint shop for hydraulic excavators: The components, weighing up to twenty tons, are conveyed through the system on a guided track while freely suspended. A special drive solution ensures optimal protection against explosion in the painting and drying booths.
F. X. Meiller Fahrzeug- & Maschinenfabrik commissioned its new facilities for coating large items in early July. Two 70 m-long painting tunnels installed in parallel offer space for 14 stations and can each take up to 12 items weighing 8 tons apiece. Two chain conveyor systems from Vollert provide the required pulling force.
At Wirtgen GmbH in Windhagen, world market leaders in the field of cold milling for road construction, components weighing up to 30 tons are freely suspended. The steel construction of the 230 °C furnaces is completely separated from the transport steel construction to protect against energy losses. This is made possible by special drive technology. Even with the heaviest loads, it allows for gap bridging of 70 cm. In addition, it is wear and explosion proof. The system was designed by Vollert Anlagenbau in Weinsberg.
50 tons of explosion-protected parts painted while suspended
With a new painting plant, Liebherr is setting the standard in commercial vehicle construction. At the plant in Ehingen, parts from mobile and crawler cranes weighing up to 50 tons will be painted while suspended in mid-air. Vollert Anlagenbau from Weinsberg is developing the intralogistics for this. Wirtgen and SEW-EURODRIVE are just two of the companies also backing the new technology.